Monday, October 26, 2009

My Mother told me there would be days like this....

But I wish I  could slide on by…


I know in every human relationship there will be bumps, grinds, and general annoyances. But lately there have been some things that worry me about my relationships.


I am noticing patterns in myself that I hate to admit to:


1.       I am selfish. I am. I want what I want when I want it, and who knows who will help who gets in my way.

2.     I have a temper. I can admit it, I haven’t worked on my temper, and I am easy to flare.

3.      I patched up the black box. Remember the old story about how God gave a girl two boxes, one gold and one black? The Gold was for the praises and the good things in her life, the Black for the bad. After awhile the Gold box was so heavy, but the black box was so light. Because God put a hole in the bottom of the box. I’ve been holding on to things.

4.     I have missed my faith. I’ve recently been discussing faith with my husband who lacks it. I used to have such a strong faith, and I didn’t survive the trials as well as I thought. I’m currently in the process of re-forging my faith. I don’t believe in Religion, but pure God-driven faith.

5.      I want to be the Queen of Sheba. What woman doesn’t? But honestly – Where is she now? For that matter, I just had to live in a society that doesn’t really deal with royalty. So I guess that dream should fall by the wayside?


So now, I begin my quest to really live this life I want, I guess everyone else will have to follow along? First step – finding that BIBLE! Where did DH put it?


Saturday, August 22, 2009

I am so nesting now...

So do you ever wonder why we women and mothers have this irresistible urge to … nest?


I’m not talking your pregnancy nesting, either. I’m talking the taking a house and making it a home nesting. Today and yesterday, despite my fever, nausea, and just weakness… I was determined to do something yesterday that I felt was productive towards my own goal of a home I could feel proud of.


So I started the painting process for my kitchen. I’ve taken Tuesday and Wednesday off for the purpose of painting, but it dawned on me yesterday that if I waited until then, I wouldn’t be able to bake when the kiddos were in KC with daddy. Yep… that won’t do. So we’re going to do this TODAY.


I only got a little 5 foot wall done. But after it was dried I put everything back up with the command strips so no more holes! Except for my wire star, but that’s a different story. I am just enjoying the new color… it’s a soft minty green. Just right for a kitchen in my opinion. I’ll post pictures when I am finished. I’m just trying to do it in the little amount of time the weekend gives me. And then I get to have fun on Wednesday and enjoy my girlfriends. *squee* I’ve so never  felt so free for a bit.


I will note to my readers – YES I will miss my husband and my kids terribly. But I’ve spent almost 5 years now without any kind of break to myself, and I have to trust that they will take care of the kids (Tori, Ian, and Pops are going to KC to spend time with my IN-Laws). I have faith in them, but also in someone higher, God. I just have to have the faith that everything will be ok, and my kids and husband will return home with all limbs, digits and sanity intact.




Saturday, August 8, 2009

As a Mom do you ever wonder if you will discover that lost city of Atlantis beneath your couch? I’ve just cleaned under my couch (albeit it’s been two weeks) and the things that were under there have taken over my entire living room floor! I’m sitting here wondering how two small children and one large child would fit all of this beneath a sectional? I mean really?!


I’ve also taken a break from the vinegar, just to see what other things accomplish. You know what I’ve learned? My ‘Bleach’ cleaner, doesn’t do nearly as through a job as the vinegar, and if I’m not super careful, will ruin my shirts and pants. OMG. I’ve also noticed since we’ve taken a break, my ant population has INCREASED. I used to spray down the floor with Vinegar and clean that way, everything was vinegared. Apparently, it has some affect on insects, so double plus!


I’m just exhausted and we’re going to continue on this bombardment of my house. It may have won a battle or two But I WILL win the war!




Monday, July 20, 2009

I am so diggin' this song...

**Clicking the above Blog title, will take you to a music video of the song I've been digging...**

'Tarzan Boy' by Baltimora... Totally works for 70 degree weather, windows down drive the slopping hills towards town to get my favorite lunch - Common Grounds' PB & J Panini Sandwich. I need more days like that.
I also went to church and the long and short of it - I'm seeing the point of the Fly lady. I can't force change on anyone, I can only show them the way and hope they see the point. So no more nagging. that is my new rule in the house, no nagging. Well.. at least at Tom.
We'll see how this goes... it's so totally an experiment.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Working on living...

It's amazing how you really do have to work at living. I suffer from depression and I somedays just want to crawl in a hole and pretend I have nothing to do with the rest of society. Right now, I'm working on cleaning my house. I have a dinner party tomorrow evening with some friends. I'm making my version of Perogies. I use a basic biscuit dough to make the crust and then potatoes, bacon bits, cheddar, and a lil' bit of onion and various spices. I'm also serving a salad and making a fluffy chocolate pie for dessert.
I'm a foodie, everyone who knows me, knows I LOVE to cook. You could buy kitchen gadgets for me, and I would be more excited than a kid at christmas. Along with that, Tom and I are working on our relationship and I'm going to start going to church. Yeay!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Potty Diaries…

This is the first installment of my weekend attempt at potty training lil’ miss T and lil’ mister I...

During the duration of my attempts at potty training Tori and Ian, I’m learning that they will have to be potty trained at the same time. My children are eleven months apart, and have since learned a lot of things together. So, we’re making an attempt this weekend to instill in their minds how to use the potty, and not their pants. Granted, accidents happen, but as of late, it can be concluded that they are using their underwear (pull-ups trainers) out of convenience, and not because of accidents.

I’ve read a lot where parents eliminate that option completely. Their kids go bare bottomed and they learn what their body does and how it feels to be dry like this all the time. I’m hoping that by becoming accustomed to dry bottoms 24/7 they will become more uncomfortable in the bulky trainers. I am unfortunately faced with the fact that this will continue through the week because of the fact that T & I attend daycare. So this is the itinerary for the afternoon.

They will continue to be bare bottomed, they bathe together and so far haven’t noticed the physical differences between them. The potties for each of them (eliminate fighting over who has a potty, and who doesn’t and to make it easier for them to use it when they need to) are in the living room, so they are going to get used to sitting on them and using them at their convenience. We’re trying to switch from a mindset of undies to potty.

Well… here we go, will report tonight.

Friday, May 22, 2009

So dearest readers…

I never finished my experience with the deracho. I survived. I learned to cook with fire, and I didn’t burn anything. I also lost everything in the freezer and the refrigerator. Since then, Tom and I have had a major blow up… and make-up session! We’re finally deciding to work as a team, rather than independent parts of a team. Does that make sense?

My lil’ bro has went away to Topeka, KS to work for a company for the summer. I can’t believe he graduates in December! So we are all doing the chores and amazingly enough it’s been good for us. Tom and I work together doing things and having a laugh, the kids thing they are doing big things and learning how to take care of animals. Tom and I get a few minutes where the kids are occupied with Memaw Gott, and we talk about things. We’re washing the dishes together, and working on the house. And for all you fly ladies reading my journal, I’m defending my spaces, and I’m making a special drug storage thing put up high where the kids can’t get to it.

I have a plan for my bedroom, and bathroom. But plans are just that until we take action on them. I’m feeling more like myself, and I’m just waiting to learn how to move things around. Tom and I are talking about breeding my mare Sweet-T. Just need to find a stud to cross her with. I’m actually thinking a bay paint stallion. Mmmm… that cross would be so pretty!

My laundry monster is dying…. And it’s death is slow and painful, on it and me! I can’t quite put it all up yet, so it’s on a contained area, outside of children and animal reach. Soon though, very soon it shall be defeated. God forbid, I have floors!
I’m also making my own birth control for the dishes, nightly washings eery night as much as I can do until 11:30. I’m tired, but I’m also tired of a house that seems to keep itself and me out of control.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Derecho Event in MO

The title will link you to a blog that will explain, with pictures, what we went through... This is a several day blog and will cover my experiences through this event and observations through each time....

I never thought I’d be the one to panic…

But I did…
May 8, 2009 – We had a horrible storm come through our fair town of Salem, MO. According to my 85 year old grandfather the worst he’s ever seen in 70 years of living in this area. The storm caused a Code 3 to be paged, and we had to report to the hallway. I drug a phone repairman down to the designated hallway, he wouldn’t be left behind. Earlier that day, I had spoken with my mother before the phone lines went down at 9 a.m.. She was extremely worried about this storm, and she wanted Thomas to come up to her house to stay until they knew what was happening. I told her I would talk to him about it. He was coming out to the hospital to bring me the giant chocolate bars. He arrived not 5 minutes after it turned pitch black outside, it had lightened up, but he stated it was just a storm and he’d be ok at the house. He would watch the satellite and he’d be ok. I begged him to reconsider, but he did agree that he’d turn on the radio and listen to 105.3 because the satellite would go out in the storm.

Thirty minutes later there I was, dragging a Phone repairman down the hallway to the designated area. In the back of my mind, I was accounting for all of my family members, where were they? I knew that Dennis did not call this lightly, I knew there had already been a tornado in the southern part of the county. I knew that other towns did not fair well. I could account for everyone – but Thomas. With this on my mind, I tried to settle into the waiting period. I tried to be calm, and for the most part I was externally. I attempted small talk, until after thirty minutes when people began calling their family members on their cell phones, telling them to get to cover. I couldn’t do this with Tom, his cell wasn’t on, and I couldn’t get through on our home phone.

Fourty-five minutes passed and my boss came to stand beside me. She confided in me that her husband was on his way to town with the children when this started, but she couldn’t panic because that wouldn’t do the situation any good. I confided in her, I wasn’t worried completely about the kids, I knew where they were, and I knew they were safe. I didn’t know where Thomas was. I didn’t know if he was fiddle-farting around or what. I even told her I missed being single, I didn’t worry about things like this when they happened, I was calmer.

Then we heard a radio. She went down to the radio. I shifted sides, knowing that I’m crying slightly, and I didn’t want the patients to see. Only now fellow employees were seeing and trying to console me. All you can do is smile and nod and thank them. But them asking you where your family is, makes you burst in to tears that you were working so hard to hold back. So finally, I decided to move towards the end with the radio. My boss’s Boss had already marched down and stated that the High School and R-4 were safe.

I settled on the ground and just listened. The people on the radio talked about how it was impossible to get to town from where we were. They said some buildings downtown were crumbling. I heard has they stated where the houses were down. Some had collapsed, trees were down everywhere. Then Jamia started calling the housekeepers out. Most of the storm had passed, but we were waiting in the safe area. We were glued to the little signal of life outside that gave us some calm, and some panic.

I had Sylvia settle in beside me and Marty. They both just sat there and I found myself leaning into Syl, just listening. She finally tried call my house, and my mother’s. No answer, we tried the daycare, and no answer, the phone lines were down. Dennis came back and said we could go back to work, but we’d have to stay here. It was impossible to get to town. So I did, and I did the only thing I could do in this situation at work – I filed. Paul came by and was attempting to joke about how they had put me to work in this situation. They quickly told him I was filing to get my mind off of what was happening. Finally they cleared the streets, and my boss walked back to me. And I looked at her and she stated I could go to look for tom, and I flew past her and Paul to get my purse, and as I was flying past she said to be careful.

The ER had flooded and so had our Doctor’s Library – and it had solid windows. I seen so many working to unflood it, and I was running out the door, I felt guilty, but I needed that peace to truly be productive. I drove by the kids’ school first. It was safe, it was in one piece. So then I drove down HH. The fields looked like ponds, the creeks like raging rivers, such a different look to my normally peaceful drive. I looked at my friends house to make sure they were there, V and her cars were there, and the tree had missed them. I drove past Mom’s house, her car wasn’t there, so where was she? I drove past my house, Tom’s car wasn’t there, were was he?
Trees were down between Grandma’s house and mine, but there was enough room for me to get around in my 4x4. I laid on the horn and shouted ‘Come hell or high water, I’m coming through!’ I pulled into her driveway, and even with the injured ankle I bounded up the hill and steps just to embrace my grandmother and I wept. She was ok, Grandpa was ok. They told me that the uncles were with them and that they had to go to town to help Uncle Bob. A tree had fell on his house and he was ok. I told her that I would send mom back when I found her, I was going to her house next. Kissed her forehead and leaped back to the car.

Laid on the horn as I went around and then pulled into my drive way. From what I could tell driving by, Mom’s driveway was blocked, so I guess I’m driving through the muck to her house, a little mudding always did make me feel better. Threw it on 4x4 low, put it in first gear and away I went. After bumpity-bumping it I pulled into her house, and what miracle did I see? Tom’s car was parked there. I ran into and through her house screaming for her and Tom and Mike. No answer they left.

I jumped back into the car and then seen where one driveway was clear enough to get out. So I went back to town. I passed them on the way there. I turned around quickly in the JW parking lot and I followed them to the house. Tom didn’t even have time to get out of his seat, I just lept on him and sobbed. I’d found him and he was safe, everyone was safe.

Then tom took me back to town and he drove, I needed to calm down he said. We went to get our children, god’s xanax. Tori told me we were fine, we are ok. No doubt repeating everything, and Tom he scooped both of them up in his arms. I kissed them both and then said we were taking them. Tom took me through downtown, and we saw were one building had lost it’s decorative bricking, and the wood had flown half a block into someone’s car. It was shocking to look at it all. I went back to work and continued to file because, well, what can someone do that works only on a computer, and has it all done? When I got back we started hearing stories. I heard it would take a week to get the electricity back because of the broad spectrum of the damage.

To be continued...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Oh just keep swimming!

Just keep swimming, keep on swimming....

So T and I are digging out of our house. So it's going good. Today we put up a lot of laundry, and tomorrow I need to work on our dishes. I'm even mending some clothes f the kidlets since they are so rough on everything.

I've finally indroduced and defended the ideaology of a sock basket! Yeay. One less thing to do on my list. i'm working my way to a cleaner house, a cleaner house means I can really start taking care of me.

I'm also getting really excited! I have two movies I want to see, Wolverine and Star Trek, Woo Hoo! My Asst Admin at the hospital... He says that it was REALLY good. I also am going to start working on getting T the Star Trek Glasses at BK. Yeay!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

He's now going to always be a boy...

I have a question for blog world - When you spay your female animals, how much of a change did you notice in their behavior?

So I am looking at my favorite mess in the world - my family's. I worry about other people's messes, but I just need to deal with my own. My children are having a 'mini-graduation' from their daycare to move up to another class. So I'm excited, but dealing with certain family members that will not attend, that are not attending due to a friend visiting the previous day. My spouse is completely upset about this, and he's hurt about the priorities that have shown themselves with them. I don't know how to concole him or comfort him. It's obvious because of his lack of attention to the house or anything. When he gets upset like this, he is worse than my young children. Ugh...

Today I have a dream - a dream of a clean house. Granted... it's just a dream. I will not have that clean of a house for a few years, and even at that probably only 10 minutes at a time. My dishwasher is broken again, so I am doing everyhing by hand so I can deal with dishes, and he is refusing to do any of them. My Laundry Machines are running constantly. I am eradicating the laundry dragon. So hi-O!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ahh... the Animal Antics....

I should wonder sometimes why my animals have so much... personality.....

So last night, I couldn't sleep. Why? My other kids. Patch, our Calico, and Falkor, our Lab were having a ball last night, at my expense.

I have the windows open so I can save on the cooling on this end of the house, it doesn't really work anyways. But Patch loves this experience. She sits at the window twitching her tail and calling to all the animals she wants to eat as if they will walk right up and lay themselves down an lettuce bedded plate and smear the sauce on.

Last night I hear something, and rolled over to look, I didn't have my glasses on, so I could only see a black blob on my window screen, twitching and looking slightly confused. When I put my glasses on, Patches had flung herself after a bird apparently, and couldn't figure out why in the world the screen did not give way to her catching her prey. I'm serious, she was hanging on my screen.

Then after I dealt with my son, my other big child, Falkor,came jumping into bed with me. I think our cat is slightly sadistic since she really had to mess with the dog last night.

We have a platform bed, meaning, there is a ledge where our cat likes to hide under and attack your feet as you walk by. Well, she fascinates the dog... and by that I don't mean is it food fascination. He obviously doesn't understand the concept of this ledge, because she would come running into the room, and disappear into the ledge area. The dog is going berserk looking for where in the world this cat went.

While the dog was busy trying to figure out the mystery of the disappearing cat, and possibly how to recreate it, the cat had snuck out the other side and climbed on a bookshelf. When he got close enough, the cat took a kamikaze leap onto the dog, sending him jumping up high and running up on top of me, during which the cat would jump off, land on my first and run into the living room, snickering I imagine. After a few minutes, the dog would calm down and I would get to go back to sleep. Falkor lays at the foot of the bed, guarding me, when low and behold, the cat starts the same trick all over again.... and low and behold, the dog falls for it again. Doesn't say much for my guard dog.

This continued for a good hour, seriously... I'm glad they get along, but geez... I think I'd rather break up a fight than deal with the juvenile jokes!

Slowly but Surely...

I realize that I did not get into any one mess overnight, so I have to slow my roll about getting everything done at once.

Lately, I've been attacking our laundry dragon with a fervor! It shan't survive the coming week, I say! I have begun a sock basket, why? Because I just don't feel like fiddling with the random sock matching at this time. It works for me, at this moment in my life until I have completely cleared the way for other things. If any one in my household, has an issue with the sock basket, they are free to sort and put them in their drawers. Otherwise, it'll wait until I'm ready for that task.

Snappy, aren't I? I've got a lot on my plate and mind, and I'm not sure what to do first. Tomorrow, I think I'm going to move my husband in the general direction of working on that back room a bit. We've got to do something about all the junk that is back there, it needs a new home, but I'm not going to attempt a Yard Sale until June. Actually, that is my goal, YARD SALE IN JUNE! I shall announce it my family AT ONCE......

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What to focus on...

New Challenge or theme - Learn to focus...

So new theme for the week on Wings to Soar, Focus. Just Focus... So I have to learn that there are things I need to focus on. I also need to prioritize when and what to focus on.

I need to focus on my children - there are some things there I feel I'm lacking as a Mom. I need to focus on how to fix those things.

I need to focus on me - my health, my spirit, my love.

I need to focus on my marriage - Yeah.... that needs work.
I need to focus on my beliefs - I have so been slacking, I need a good devotional, any suggestions?

I need to focus period. I want to live my life, and balance it all.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I love my Psycho Calico...

Even if she is a real pill and keeps me up all hours of the night....

So I have barely survived another round of visitation. Someday it will get better, when I don't know, but *loud booming voice* SOMEDAY! *sigh*

I had a friend look at my purse I made out of jeans, and adult version mind you, not kiddie. *sorry, must type faster to keep the kitty off the laptop. I'm needing to keep the flashy thing towards the side of my screen so I can see!*

She mentioned that it might be a good idea for me to actually attempt to sew a few things on my own. Just to see if I like that, because I bake *mental note: Relay bake sale next friday.. eeep!* and I sew, really cute things, I just don't do it often. My husband to inspire and encourage my sewing bought me the Platinum Project Runway Brother Sewing Machine for Christmas. I love it! I've used it. I've fixed some negligee issues for a friend, I've made my purse, the satin straps for it. I've got several projects in my head. I love that feeling, when you day dream while typing at work about the pretty things you could make, the ideas that come to you at that time.... So does that make those ideas property of my employer? Hrmm... Don't work, I do my job, multitasking is the way of woman!

So that's just my musings. I'm also working on a complete morning schedule. And secureing lots of cuddles with my main men.... *ugh* You know I mean my son Ian and my husband Tom. Geez, I can't keep up with Tom, why would I throw another large child to clean up after in the mess?

Friday, April 10, 2009

I was so horrible about not Getting up...

But I so loved sleeping until 3 p.m. and cuddling with DH....

So today wasn't a complete wash. Right now, I'm just laying on the bed, letting the medication that is making me foggy wear off. I'm going to continue the work on that end room tonight. We're working on thinning out the toys we own. Yeah, quite a few!
The kids aren't adapting to well, and we were so busy cleaning my daughter was going on about how we didn't want to play with her. *sigh* I wish I could do something right by this girl!
Laundry you shall weaken tonight! That is my motto. I am also shampooing the rooms as I go, those with carpet. Hot hot water and Vinager. I hate the sticky feeling after cleaning, but there is no sticky after the vinager wash, so YEAY!
I am going to just get down on hands and knees and really wash the floor with water nad vinager, because I just can't get this whole swiffer thing. I'll just get a dry cloth, or look for a mop thing that allows me to use a washcloth to wipe the floor. Hrmm... idea huh?

And a Ray of light hits me...

The whole 'You won't get anything from ___ if you aren't good' was invented by parents, for parents............

Yeah that's right. I don't think Santa came up with the Naughty List. I think it was all an incarnation by the parents of the age to keep their kids in line. Why do I think this? Because I used it in conjuction with the Easter Bunny and my daughter listens to me. WOW... I must learn to harness this power for good! Great Power, Great Resonsibility, and all that jazz.
Lately, I've just been hanging. I spained my Right Ankle Pretty bad, so it's just an ow situation. Advil and Ace Wraps are my friend. I'd follow up with a doctor but I really don't think there is much of anything that I can accomplish through them. Can't afford the time off, or the medical bills that would follow.
DH and I have decided to make memories on HWY 19 in Missouri. Why? We went to Owensville to pick up this awesome little bed and a dish hutch. We drove 19 the whole way home, and realized that there is a lot of memories on that road for us, and we haven't begun to explore it. So we are going to focus on making Hwy 19 our Memory Lane in the literal Sense. Sounds interesting huh?
That is all I have for today, Just little blurbs here and there. Maybe this weekend, I come up with something more substantial.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Don't you hate it when you have an itch on your back that you can't scratch?

So this is the start of a new week. I'm looking into making Roman Shades for my house. They kind of go with the whole Shabby Chic thing I have going. Well... I would have going if my house was not only painted, but the walls finished. Yep, it would so go with it.

I sprained my ankle like super bad, it hurts, still. It'll be a week old Tuesday, so I'll see how it gets going this week. Tried doing the good thing and putting it up at work, I can't. There is absolutely no way in my teeny tiny office with a desk meant for a midget model, that I can prop my foot up AND do my job. So I sacrifice the foot to do the job. It will be a bigger bite in the arse later if I don't.
My visit with my MIL went well. Despite the drugs and well... the drugs are enough. I was gorked for most of her visit, and left for work at 6 a.m. to try and catch up. I'm debating an attempt at driving tomorrow. That adventure may have to wait until Wednesday. Because it wasn't just ANY foot.... nope, had to be the foot I press all the pedles with. It's better with the wrap though, so maybe tomorrow. Maybe.
That is about all that is going on my world. Monday is the start of a new week.... A week of cleaning up unfinished business.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Superwoman am I!!

At least with the help of my trusty partner, Superman!

Admit it. We’d be hard pressed to make it, at least at first, without our partners. I have to admit though, I know some Superwomen who founded this Monarchy without the help of a man. Yeay you go SSW's!

I have to give major props to my hubby for helping my square away the kids’ bedroom. They are now in a new bedroom and enjoying it. It’s smaller, giving them the big room for their toys and learning area. I’m hoping to move their crafting stuff back there. Yeah, I’m asking for it.

We’re working on dealing with everything we’ve got going on. And I also had a nice bomb dropped on me. My MIL, who I do really love, isn’t coming on Friday. She’s coming Wednesday. Eeeeek! I’m so totally not prepared. So I’m rushing to get everything the way it should be. Which a little bit scary considering all that has to be done. So we’re going to break…break…breakitdown!

*Insert old school beat here*

Kid-s Toyroom

Then da bathroom

Op-gotta do that hallway too.

Then I gots all these piles in the way

Of a nice clean living room

So lets say hay!

Then come tha kitchen

And dishes too.

Hey watcha know,

Need to clean the laundry room!

Now the love shack needs to be cleaned up,

So does the love bath so back it up!

Then straighten up our closet too

And hey watcha know

The house will be clean soon!

*bows* Thank you… Thank you very much.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's hard to get started...

Especially when you don’t want to do anything.

I’m working on dealing with the kids’ sleeping situations. I have my MIL coming in this weekend to stay with us, so it is important that she feel comfortable. But *le sigh* I don’t really want to do anything this weekend. I want to be a lazy bum and just enjoy my first weekend off in a really long time.

I’m really going to have to get out of that mindset. I never have weekends, or evenings off. I’m a mom. This means it’s a 24/7 job to keep everything in order. We’re tackling the house and yard first. In fact I think I’m going to have DH mow the lawn Tuesday or Wednesday Evening. That’ll put a jump start on everything.

My goals for today are:

· Catch up all the dishes

· Clean up the middle room

· Move the kids to the middle room for sleeping purposes

· Laundry, laundry, laundry

If I accomplish these goals, I’ll let you know. If I don’t I’m going to sink into oblivion while watching Moonlight and sinking into the couch.

Note: to comment on my blogs, click the little phrase ‘Musings’ below my blogs. You can rename them, and I always hope that my blogs make you muse a little on yourself, or the sheer comedy of my upturned life.