Saturday, May 2, 2009

He's now going to always be a boy...

I have a question for blog world - When you spay your female animals, how much of a change did you notice in their behavior?

So I am looking at my favorite mess in the world - my family's. I worry about other people's messes, but I just need to deal with my own. My children are having a 'mini-graduation' from their daycare to move up to another class. So I'm excited, but dealing with certain family members that will not attend, that are not attending due to a friend visiting the previous day. My spouse is completely upset about this, and he's hurt about the priorities that have shown themselves with them. I don't know how to concole him or comfort him. It's obvious because of his lack of attention to the house or anything. When he gets upset like this, he is worse than my young children. Ugh...

Today I have a dream - a dream of a clean house. Granted... it's just a dream. I will not have that clean of a house for a few years, and even at that probably only 10 minutes at a time. My dishwasher is broken again, so I am doing everyhing by hand so I can deal with dishes, and he is refusing to do any of them. My Laundry Machines are running constantly. I am eradicating the laundry dragon. So hi-O!

0 Musings: