Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Slowly but Surely...

I realize that I did not get into any one mess overnight, so I have to slow my roll about getting everything done at once.

Lately, I've been attacking our laundry dragon with a fervor! It shan't survive the coming week, I say! I have begun a sock basket, why? Because I just don't feel like fiddling with the random sock matching at this time. It works for me, at this moment in my life until I have completely cleared the way for other things. If any one in my household, has an issue with the sock basket, they are free to sort and put them in their drawers. Otherwise, it'll wait until I'm ready for that task.

Snappy, aren't I? I've got a lot on my plate and mind, and I'm not sure what to do first. Tomorrow, I think I'm going to move my husband in the general direction of working on that back room a bit. We've got to do something about all the junk that is back there, it needs a new home, but I'm not going to attempt a Yard Sale until June. Actually, that is my goal, YARD SALE IN JUNE! I shall announce it my family AT ONCE......

1 Musings:

Tra La La Boom De Ay said...

Hey Meg, I am with you on the laundry. For over a month now I have been putting it off. Oldest DD saves me by throwing in a load a few times a week.
Say, EJSADOSKY is having a deal with her commenting also. What did you do to fix yours so that I could make comments correctly? Let us know on the board would ya? Love and hugs to you honey. Your creative comical rantings keep me sane.