Saturday, March 14, 2009

Learning to be...

At this time, I've finally resigned from School. It was just too much for me to handle with DH going to school as well. My own body had been telling me this for several months now, and my own physician told me that something had to give. So I am now just a Mom and worker. Granted, neither of those are small jobs, in fact I believe being a Mom is the biggest job of them all, so now I have more time to focus on it.

I have made a list of things this blog is going to entail:

  1. This blog will track my own thoughts about focusing on my job as a Mom.
  2. This blog will track, detail, and hold notes from my experiences with Household Cleaning ideas, patterns, etc.
  3. This blog will track my gardening, both edible and decorative.
  4. I have two small children - I'm going to post things I have found that I'd recommend to do with kids.
  5. My own job as a Wife. This is probably the most important job next to Mom, because DH and I are what we really have and we need to enjoy each other.
  6. My own spiritual life expansion.
That's so far what I'm going to cover. I'm just learning to live this life I have

0 Musings: