Friday, April 10, 2009

And a Ray of light hits me...

The whole 'You won't get anything from ___ if you aren't good' was invented by parents, for parents............

Yeah that's right. I don't think Santa came up with the Naughty List. I think it was all an incarnation by the parents of the age to keep their kids in line. Why do I think this? Because I used it in conjuction with the Easter Bunny and my daughter listens to me. WOW... I must learn to harness this power for good! Great Power, Great Resonsibility, and all that jazz.
Lately, I've just been hanging. I spained my Right Ankle Pretty bad, so it's just an ow situation. Advil and Ace Wraps are my friend. I'd follow up with a doctor but I really don't think there is much of anything that I can accomplish through them. Can't afford the time off, or the medical bills that would follow.
DH and I have decided to make memories on HWY 19 in Missouri. Why? We went to Owensville to pick up this awesome little bed and a dish hutch. We drove 19 the whole way home, and realized that there is a lot of memories on that road for us, and we haven't begun to explore it. So we are going to focus on making Hwy 19 our Memory Lane in the literal Sense. Sounds interesting huh?
That is all I have for today, Just little blurbs here and there. Maybe this weekend, I come up with something more substantial.

1 Musings:

Tra La La Boom De Ay said...

Happy to see you posting again, sad that your ankle is still messed up. As for the easter bunny, I will be good for him if he brings me jordan almonds and almond roca. lol